Fencing . . . yes, it’s an Olympic sport most have seen it in the movies like Star Wars, The Princess Bride, James Bond, Vikings, Pirates of the Carribean, etc . . . but few have actually tried it. Not the traditional sport – it’s exciting, an individual sport (yet perfect for teambuilding) and you’ll be surprised to know that it is one of the safest sports one can practice.
Everyone is on an even playing ground as they learn the basics of a very different sport. The movements of advancing and retreating in fencing are unique to the sport. There is no other sport that moves in the same way. While fencing is an individual sport, it requires co-operation, communication,support and co-ordination among teammates to improve. Learning to fully embrace a teammate, help them, support them as they support you and still be able to compete against each other in practice and competition is a wonderful life skill in both work and on the field.
Participants will make decisions while under tremendous pressure (having fun!), and take quickly calculated risks while trying to score on their opponent . This expands one’s mental capacity and owning the result of their decision. Adjusting on the next point based on the result of your precious action gives one opportunity to get better and realize that failing for one point teaches you change for the next one – so learning quickly from small mistakes makes big differences.

There are many fencing clubs around the country that do team building events in the sword or swords (saber, foil, or epee) they teach, No matter which sword the lessons learned are the same just the skill is different.
Your team will leave energized, motivated, and better able to appreciate each other. In addition, they will have learned so much more about a dynamic sport that not many people see or understand! Next time they see fencing or sword fighting (including light sabers) scenes in a movie or t.v. show they will be excited to know more than the average movie goer and the skill it takes to wield and control that sword.
And of course the excitement of the Olympic every four years. The Paris 2024 Olympics will very exciting for Team USA Fencing teams as we will be defending the Olympic Gold Medal in women’s foil, and team USA in all three weapons is on the winners podiums in the lead up to 2024 with us currently taking gold, silver and bronze medals in all three weapons for both sexes at various world cup events.
Other great team building ideas in the Portland Oregon Area
Here is a really good article “21 Fun Corporate Team Building Activities in Portland, OR” events that you can do in the greater Portland (yes, we are on the list – here is a direct link to our PDX Team Building information). We have done some of our own team building at the a few places and had a wonderful time, so we are recommending these from personal experience.